Because we live for potatoes

Founded 1990 and ever since managed in a traditional, sustainable way, the BBW Gmbh & Co.KG nowadays is cultivating an area of about 1000 hectares. To produce potatoes, we use 140 hectares of this area while the remaining part is planted with winter wheat, rape, corn and triticale.

The trust of our long-standing clients in our reliability, transaktion-speed and flexibility is the basis for our stable market position in the production and international trading of consum and seed potatoes.

Our products


We are looking for



BBW GmbH & Co.KG


Office adress:

Winterfeld 1

99192 Nottleben



+49 (0)3 62 08 - 7 44 33


Sales directly from the farm - Uwe Hildebrandt:

Telefon: +49 (0)3 62 08 - 7 44 44


Sales germany - Jakob Then:

Telefon: +49 (0)1 73/6 75 20 37


Export - Mariann Kubik 

Telefon: +49 (0)1 57/87 83 93 51



Opening hours potato selling :

1st of Sept. until 30th of April from

Wednesday: 10am - 12am, 1pm - 3pm

Friday: 10am - 12am

Saturday: 9am - 11am

Closed on public holidays, for selling of feed potatoes and selling outside opening hours please contact us directly